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勺光188 x 玥 日出茶旅 Yue's Sun Rise Tea Experience

作家相片: 日月潭水社私宅-勺光188日月潭水社私宅-勺光188


許多旅人在日月潭這卸下了不只行囊,還有許多故事,而其實 勺光188 x 玥 的合作是我們一直很想提出的,因為我們也希望讓旅人將這小小日月潭的故事帶回去分享,伴著更寬廣的心,容納更多的美好。

Many travelers unloaded their not only luggage but also stories in Sun Moon Lake. We always want to work with Yue because we hope every travelers can tell their stories with tolerant heart to accommodate more beautiful things.


日月潭日出茶旅的活動將由 玥 身心靈領航員帶旅人透過更深層的五感來體驗日月潭寧靜而深沈的心靈旅程,另外在湖畔茶席與九印茶人一同透過獨特的方式品茗有機好茶-『聞茶香後閉目』,沈澱並過濾生活中的煩濁。

A discovery tour that experience the secret beauties of Sun Moon Lake. Explore the tea culture, Chi yoga, meditation and more. A discovery tour that experience the secret beauties of Sun Moon Lake. Explore the tea culture, Chi yoga, meditation and more.

【The secret beauty】

In this discovery trip, we will lead you to open up five senses in the nature landscape. Seeing not only the breath taking view but more then you expect.

【Recharging body and mind】

Introduction to Chi Yoga with practical exercises. Learn this set of easy-to-follow relaxation exercises and practice at home. Luxuriate in the pleasure of recharging yourself positively through regular practice at home.

【Tea & Meditation】

This unique tea set experience can bring you a experience to clear mind to start again.

  • 需事先預約,日出茶旅費用 NT.1380-/pp. Reservation required, Sun Rise Tea Experience fee NT.1380-/pp

  • 活動時間 Activity time:日出前出發 - 08:30 Departure before sun rise to 8:30

  • 若無自駕旅客,提供接駁服務 Shuttle car available

  • 因為成人身心靈體驗活動,所以12歲以下孩童無法參加,請見諒~ Not for children under 12 year old

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